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The Allotments are run by a committee of hard working volunteers who give up their time freely in both an organisational and physical capacity. The committee manages the lease of the land, fencing, boundaries, plot inspections and of course new plot requests. 

You can find minutes of meetings, agendas and important information below. 

Committee members are always up for a chat, to offer advice (it may or may not be useful when it comes to growing!) or for information about the allotment association. The numbers in brackets are the plot numbers of the committee members.

Acting Chairman: Mark Benson (77)

Secretary : Robin Ball (56)

Lettings: Bren Winteringham (10a)

Treasurer: Mark Benson (77)

Rawcliffe Parish Council: Nick Case

Membership Secretary: Stuart Brown (40)

Media and Communication: Dorothy Winter (6a), Brenda Winteringham (10a)

Committee Members/Maintenance Team: Les White (73A), Mick Frankish (22), Billy Foster, Neil Lewis

About Body


Available for Download


January 2021

This is the current map of the allotment and the plots. If you're looking for a plot, here's the place to come!


January 2021

This file is worth a read to ensure you don't get locked in!


30th November 2021

Please find the minutes of the meeting in November 2021


December 2020

Please find the Autumn 2020 Newsletter here.



Clifton (Without) and Rawcliffe Allotment Association

1. Rents
The annual rent shall be paid by the due date. If payment has not been received within one month of the
due date, the plot will be regarded as vacant and available for letting.
2. Waiting List
A waiting list will be maintained by the Membership Secretary and the Letting Officer.
3. Exchange of Plots
Membership of the Association is not transferable. Exchange of plots between current plot holders is
permitted with the approval of the Letting Officer. A vacated plot may be “passed on” to family or friends,
provided the plot is in good order, the new member is on the waiting list and the Letting Officer approves.
4. Plot Inspections
Plot inspections will be carried out by members of the committee on a monthly basis between May and
September to check on the horticultural condition of plots (see 5a).
5. Plots
a. The plot holder, by joining the association, agrees to keep the plot in good horticultural condition at all
times. If, after a written request from the Committee there is not a positive response within 28 days,
the plot holder will be requested to vacate the plot.
b. If a plot becomes overgrown the committee have the authority to arrange for the plot(s) to be cleared,
a charge may be levied to the plot holder.
c. Pathways around plots should be kept trimmed.
d. Members vacating their plots are required to remove all rubbish, including tyres and bricks etc, upon
termination of their membership.
e. Each plot should be clearly numbered.
4. Vehicles
All vehicles should be parked in the car park, or where parked within the allotments, are so parked as to
not impede other plot holders. Do not obstruct the rides.
During adverse weather cars MUST NOT be taken into the allotments area, they must be parked in the
designated car park. A notice will be displayed at the entrance advising members to this effect.

5. Gates
a. Gates should not be left open at any time.
b. The last plot holder to leave the site should lock the gates.

6. Other Items
a. Children must be supervised at all times. It is the plot holder's responsibility to stop children under their
charge from straying from the confines of their own plot.
b. Dogs must be kept on a leash without exception and must be tethered within the confines of the plot
holder’s plot, and there must be no fouling on the allotment site.
c. Members must notify the Membership Secretary of any changes of address and/or contact details as
soon as possible.
d. No livestock (which includes bees) may be kept on the allotments
e. Fruit and other trees are permitted but should be controlled so as not to be a nuisance to other
plot holders. Semi dwarfing root stocks should be used where available. Overgrown trees should be
pruned or removed at the request of the committee.
Members MUST NOT
f. bring old carpets or household waste on to the allotments;
g. erect sheds, huts or greenhouses on the plots; Small shelters (max height 1.6m, max floor area 2m2
) are

h. remove topsoil, nor throw rubbish and stones on tractor ways or the 7 metre tracks.
7. Fires
a. Members MUST NOT light fires between 1st May and 15th September inclusive. If fires are lit during the
permitted period, 16th September to 30th April inclusive, all members must adhere to the following
b. fires are to be in a cleared area and should not be lit when wind will blow smoke towards Shipton Road
or the properties to the north and south of the site;
c. fires Must Not to be left unattended at any time;
d. fires to be extinguished prior to leaving the site;
8. Composting and Rubbish
a. Members are encouraged to compost their garden waste. The communal compost bins have been
b. All rubbish and non-compostable waste should be removed from the plot and disposed of in either
household waste or a designated skip when available.
c. The bonfire on plot 47B is for the use of the committee, to burn hedge trimmings etc from the
maintenance of the site, not for individual plot members to dump rubbish!


Important Info

File Body

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