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Mr Frost


The beginning of April on the allotment has seen more cold weather, with a regular frosts and some below zero temperatures. Other than the ridiculously warm three day period over Easter, it's a continual chilly feel with some bitter winds.

CWRAA is quite an exposed site in parts but members are starting to spend a little more time down on their plots, albeit with their big coat on! Whilst weeding, clearing away and preparing ground is the number one task, many have planted first early potatoes and some hardier crops that don't mind a little bit of cold.

We should think ourselves lucky really. The picture below shows the vine growers of Chablis out protecting their vines from the same cold weather we are experiencing with small fires. I'm not sure our plot members would go so far to protect their winter onions!

If you're a CWRAA member and want to write an article for the end of April, get in touch.

Picture: Jeff Pachoud/AFP


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